The Planet Youth in Ireland Conference took place in Galway on November 17th, 2023.
The conference examined the ways in which the Icelandic Prevention Model has been adapted for use in Ireland and illustrated both academic and practical applications of the data being derived from the biennial Planet Youth surveys.
Listed below are the video recordings of the different speakers on the day. Static PDF versions of their presentations are also available for download below.
Conference Summary
A promotional summary video intended to give an overview of what happened at the conference.
Adapting the Icelanding Prevention Model for Use in an Irish Context
Emmet Major’s presentation gives a comprehensive run through of the 2018-2023 Planet Youth implementation in the West of Ireland.
Emmet Major’s PresentationInvestigating Adolescent Binge Drinking in the West of Ireland Using the Planet Youth Survey
Dr Ciara Kelly presents her paper on adolescent binge drinking, The presentation covers covers aims, results, key findings and implications.
Dr Ciara Kelly PresentationExamining the Icelandic Leisure Time Activities Programme through a Cavan-Monaghan Lens
Maureen Mc Intyre’s presentation covers the development of the Planet Youth project in Cavan Monaghan and their after-school leisure-time activities programme.
Maureen McIntyre’s PresentationExploring the Relationship Between Adversity and Suicidality and Self-Harm Among Irish Adolescents
Dr Charlotte Silke’s presentation covers the work she has been doing on the HRB-funded Inform-YSP project. This project has been using the Planet Youth datasets to examine the relationship between adversity and youth suicidality and self-harm behaviour.
Dr Charlotte Silke PresentationInform-YSP
Marianne Joyce discusses her role on the Inform-YSP project and the importance of youth involvement in the research process.
North Dublin Regional Prevention Strategy: A data driven collaboration of prevention policy makers, scientists and practitioners
David Creed’s presentation covers the work of the North Dublin Regional Prevention Strategy, interagency collaboration, and interventions they have developed as part of the project.
David Creed’s PresentationThe Mental Health of Irish Schoolchildren: Results of the 2021 Surveys from North Dublin, Cavan & Monaghan
Professor Mary Cannon presents work that was developed using the North Dublin and Cavan Monaghan Planet Youth datasets. The presentation covers mental health and also cannabis use.
Professor Mary Cannon PresentationThese are static PDF versions of the presentations given by the individual speakers, if anyone would like a PPTX version please get in touch by email.