Planet Youth is an evidence-based primary prevention model. Originally developed by the Icelandic Centre for Social Research and Analysis (ICSRA) at Reykjavik University, it was initially developed in order to reduce substance use rates amongst young people. The Icelandic model is based on the collaboration of numerous parties, e.g. parents, teachers, community centres, sports clubs and more in the immediate vicinity of children and young people. The model uses a whole population approach and offers the opportunity to improve health and life outcomes for young people in many areas. It works by directly targeting the risk and protective factors that determine their substance use behaviours and enhancing the social environment they are growing up in. By reducing the known risk factors and strengthening the known protective factors the problems associated with adolescent substance use can be reduced or stopped before they arise. It is currently being implemented in many countries around the world.

The model is underpinned by data derived from the administration of the Planet Youth Ireland questionnaire. This comprehensive lifestyle questionnaire is completed by post Junior Certificate students in schools and YouthReaches in the targeted communities. It examines a great many aspects of their lives across five domains: Community, Family, School, Substance Use, Leisure.
The data from the surveys is analysed and presented with the goal of providing each community with the information that will enable them to develop date-driven interventions designed to address selected risk and protective factors. The full dataset from the survey is available to the steering committees for research purposes and for use in designing responses to other issues identified within the data. This is decided upon by each steering committee. The Planet Youth Ireland data allows the opportunity to improve the health and wellbeing of our young people and to improve the social environment they are growing up in.
Additionally, each school of sufficient size that takes part in the survey is provided with a copy of their own school report that gives an insight into the general health and wellbeing of their pupils, together with other particular factors of interest at school level.
The overall vision of Planet Youth is that all young people are active, healthy and happy, connected to their families and communities, and achieving their full potential.